We are working for equitable short term rental regulations.
We have been working with the county to document and refine regulations for short term rentals. The following are the general regulations that are in place for short term rentals in unincorporated Clackamas County:
All short term rental (STR) properties should
Meets life-safety requirements (working smoke detector, fire extinguisher, maximum occupancy limits, etc.} and will continue to meet those requirements for the duration of STR operation.
Agrees to provide one off-street parking space per bedroom unless otherwise exempted by State law or County code.
Will provide the County with up-to-date contact information for the property owner or management company, and establishes a requirement that:
• A responsible party will be available 24/7 when the unit is rented as an STR
• The responsible party will respond to guest or neighbor issues at the property within two hours of an initial call for service
• The responsible party’s business name and phone number will be posted when paying guests are on the property, and must be placed within ten feet of the roadway
Agrees to a daytime occupancy cap of twice the number of bedrooms plus four guests (beds x 2 + 4)• Agrees to prohibit renters from subleasing the unit or using the property for generating income (i.e. selling tickets to a party)
What are the legal quiet hours in Oregon? On private property in such a manner as to be plainly audible within any dwelling unit between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Unlawful Noise Disturbance. It is unlawful to make any excessive, unreasonable, or unusually loud sound which disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or which injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of any person.