Mt Hood Livability Coalition
Mar 1, 2024
We want to express our disappointment that the regulations passed by the commission on September 7, 2023, have not yet been fully implemented. The deadline for registering existing STRs was December 6, 2023. But safety and livability rules still need to be addressed or enforced. The summary and notice for the regulations clearly state that “The regulations will take effect after 90 days (Dec. 6, 2023) . . .”. .
We anticipate that a busy spring break will bring occupancy, parking, and noise violations with no mechanism in place except the county sheriff, if available, to deal with these violations. We need to remind you, once again, as we did during the second public hearing, that the Sheriff’s intervention will affect the STR guests but not the root of the problem, which is nonresident STR management and owners. Presently, there is no complaint phone number or fill-in form for affected parties to report and seek remedy for incidents happening in real-time, only the email address.
As of the last week of February, Mount Hood Livability Coalition volunteers report that most of the known STRs in our area do not have required contact signage. This is in violation of the STR regulation which states” Contact information of a party responsible for the STR shall be posted at all times while paying guests are on the property, in an area and size readily visible from the nearest public roadway.”
We also question the viability of using a single STR-ID number by management companies, investment portfolios, private owners, etc., with multiple properties. At the STR hearings, it was explained that each STR would have its registration ID number displayed on the signage. Now, likely in response to a multi-national STR management company request to reduce accounting cost/hours, the program provides one ID number issued to each company for all their units. Wouldnʻt it be expedient to assign each STR their own number to post on their sign so STR complaints by neighbors could be simplified? Why not fully commit to livability and make co-existing with STRs simpler for residents? Corporate entities who profit from the STRs donʻt live here. We do. Let us remind you that the STR program states under Purpose 8.10.010 “. . . to regulate short-term rentals in order to enhance public safety and livability within the unincorporated areas of Clackamas County.”
We, as voters, expect that you as Commissioners ensure that your staff work to implement and enforce the STR regulations expeditiously.