
Mount Hood Livability Coalition Survey
Short Term Rentals
This section is about Short Term Rentals and the impact the county program has had after it has been running for a year


Do you consider STRs to be an issue on your neighbourhood?

Have you seen an improvement since the county introduced their new regulations?

Which areas have you seen improvements in?

What are the largest impact STRs have for you?

What is your top priority for the County with respect to STRs?

What other thoughts / recommendations do you have around STRs?

Community Concerns
Mount Hood Livability Coalition has been focusing most on awareness around STRs

Please select then three most pressing issues for you?

Which one is most important to you?

Which community groups do you work with?

What do you find the most effective way to communicate with you?

Where do you think Mount Hood Livability Coalition should focus its effort?

Are you willing to volunteer with us?